Guidelines for Repair or Replacement of Limited Common Elements:,
General Guidelines:
A Limited Common Element when repaired or replaced must be of equal or better quality than the original and have the same outer appearance as the original.
Windows and doors must remain the original rough opening size, be latticed and be the same white color as the originals. Door and window frames, moldings, and weather stripping are part of the door or window. Owners must apply to the Board by mail or email with the description and cost for any item exception not pre-approved below. A picture that most closely approximates the actual item must also be included.. In determining approval of substitutions, the Board will consider cost and reasonable availability of required items.
Wood balconies must be of the same materials and use stain color as close as possible to the original rustic brown. The HOA Board may in the future replace the balconies of a building with the new style to match Building 2670.
Vinyl trim around doors and windows that joins door and window molding to the siding is considered part of the siding and is therefore a COMMON ELEMENT.
Approved Exceptions:
Windows: The style of the window can remain a casement style or be a sliding style as long as the outer appearance is the same and the General Guidelines are otherwise met. No window A/C units or vents that extend outside the window frame are permitted.
Balcony Doors: The style of the balcony door can remain a French style double door or be a sliding door as long as the outer appearance is the same and the General Guidelines are otherwise met.
Back Patio Doors: The style of the back patio door can remain a sliding door or be a French style door as long as the outer appearance is the same and the General Guidelines are otherwise met.
Approved by Homeowners at 12-8-22 Annual Meeting
Daphne Hofschulte, President