HOA BOD Agenda 8-10-23

HOA BOD Proposed Agenda 8-10-23

Call to order

Secretary – Who is on the phone?

Approve agenda

Approve minutes from 2-9-23  (emailed to BOD)

Updates on legal issues – Executive session if needed

General Updates:

Community garage sale 7-29-23

Cara – contact list update  with new form?

Carrie – new owner welcome guide?

Balcony project 2690

Fence installation 2700D (see votes below)

Hale Insurance 2-13-23 to 2-23-24 – $16,921 in installments (please post)

Interior Excavation – asphalt projects



5-28-23   Complaint against 2665 C animal waste – no request for violation Decl 11.6

6-27-23    2655C replacing sliding door handle and window – if replacements not the same as original, apply to the BOD for an

exception – no request received.

7-15-23  2665A new owner needed access to 2665D to re-connect water President authorized plumber Jerry Ballek to do it – no

bill received to date

7-29-23    2675D Can air conditioners extend beyond windows if behind privacy fence?  Reference Decl 11.8 – informal advice to

look into free-standing units

8-1-23      Attic access to replace fan with larger version 2675B – Contractor says owners do have access through panel in hall


Electronic votes/notices since the last BOD meeting:

5-16-23    2-year contract with Mulcare for summer lawn care

                  move Cara Eckman, 2nd Chris Lancaster, passed 3-0 (2 not voting)

5-30-23   2700D fence to meet 2690D, height to match 2700A

                move Cara Eckman, 2nd Chris Lancaster, passed 3-0 (2 not voting)

5-31-23   2700D fence to meet 2690D, height to match 2690D

                move Chris Lancaster, 2nd Carrie plant, passed 3-1 (1 not voting)

7-3-23  approve community-wide garage sale without homeowner cookout, including exception to the Rule against garage sales.

              Move Chris Lancaster, 2nd Devon, passed 4-0 (1 not voting)

7-29-23  Certified letter to Locklear’s regarding past dues

               Move Carrie Plant, 2nd Cara Eckman, passed 4-0 (1 not voting)



3-1-23   HOA BOD unapproved minutes 2-9-23

3-24-23  Balcony contract (signed by contractor)

5-16-23  2-year lawn care contract with Mulcare

8-1-23            Certified letter to Locklear’s